Mental Health
I am very unsure about a whole raft of things going on in the world at the moment, not just the whole world, but also my own world. Challenges all around, some people are rising to the battle, others just tossing the towel in.
Where to next, who knows…
🔗 Queensland researchers say evidence linking social media to youth mental health problems is ‘weak’
Ms Patterson has more than one million followers across TikTok and Instagram.
The Syndeysider said the federal government’s ban is “absolutely pointless”.
Whilst she’s not one of the researchers initially quoted in the article, I’m not convinced she’s not biased in her assessment of good or bad in this case.
🏋️♂️ First session of the year with the Exercise Physiologist went well, set new targets for the year with an eye on improving my golf game, particularly core strength and recovery aspects. Felt good and strong during the workout, off to a solid start!
I’m going to add a Projects page to my website to keep track of all the projects I work on around home. Nice to have something to reflect back on when my brain goes off to that funny place where I feel like I’ve not contributed enough or not completed enough things.
I’ve hit peak burnout, and peak frustration, so I’m tapping out on the rest of the year. So much of my time is chewed up volunteering, it used to be rewarding, but now I’m the default person that everyone goes to it’s become a 7 days a week thing, that’s not fair or remotely equitable.
Might be time to increase the dosage of my ADHD meds, finding them less effective currently and have been on the same dosage for a couple of months now.
Alder Park Sports Club AGM
I’ve got my first AGM as Treasurer of Alder Park Sports Club this morning, and whilst I’ll be delivering a positive report, my nerves are an absolute train wreck this morning…
Well that was a major non-event! To hold the meeting we needed to reach a quorum of 25 members, only 16 members showed, including 7 of 9 Board Members.
So now we reconvene next Sunday and as long as more than 2 people arrive, the meeting will go ahead.
Took the lad out fishing on the lake today, caught a few tailor and a solid flathead. Marked a couple of new spots too, keen to give them another try and see if they’re as productive…

No longer am I going above and beyond, not since it’s become expected and not valued.
I’m going to spend the next few days deleting myself from Meta properties, along with LinkedIn.
Whilst I’ve not been a huge gambler, aside from when I was doing matched betting, I still had accounts at TAB, Dabble, Betfair, and others, on my phone and found myself putting $100 on here and there when I was bored.
So dumb.
So part of this ADHD thing is to remove as many of the bad triggers as possible…or at least slow access to them. With that in mind, my phone is now gambling app free.
Since getting my ADHD assessment the other day, everything has been turned up to 10,000 in my brain. I’m remembering all sorts of random incidents as far back as a 5 year old and now they all make sense to me, the incident, the reaction, the fallout…in a way it’s actually made it even more difficult to quiet my brain, but this is the pathway to a full diagnosis and treatment.
It’s just going to be a tough journey, hopefully a better me on the other side.
Started down the pathway of getting my self-diagnosed ADHD formally diagnosed and treated, it’s at a point now where I’m either constantly depressed or overachieving and on top of the world. There is little to no middle ground anymore.
I’m in a self-destructive mood today. This should be fun.
Dear Neighbours,
I apologise for singing such hair metal classics like Alice Cooper - Poison, Black Sabbath - Crazy Train, Motley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart, Warrant - Cherry Pie, and Van Halen - Jump, amongst others, at the top of my voice this morning…
Got a session with my psychologist today, last couple I’ve just walked in and rambled for 45 minutes, they were not productive sessions… Today I’m going in with a topic, identity, specifically self-identity, as it’s something I’ve struggled with since I was a kid.
When the people you’re organising events for aren’t enthusiastic about it, at what point do you say “fuck it” and walk away…
Treating myself to some sushi train after a particularly challenging session with the psychologist.