• 🔗 How to Follow Twitter Feeds? – Feedly Blog

  • I’m thinking about making my New Year Resolution all about education, both getting and giving as of it as I can. 👨‍🏫

  • Damnit, I can’t get past Zapdos in Pokemon Let’s Go. 5 failed attempts so far…

    I’m desperately trying to level up some Rock and Electric types before my next attempt.

  • Watching: WarGames (1983) 📺

    A young man finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III.


  • Does anyone know if there’s a way to re-import the Facebook export back into Facebook, for the purpose of re-generating my Facebook account so I can re-export it in JSON format instead of the shitty HTML version?

  • Trying to find a decent plugin to sync from my live WordPress install to my localhost one, but just like the App Store, all of them want me to purchase a subscription!

    Any suggestions?

  • @cleverdevil, is there a way to use your Ditchbook app with Facebook’s html export? I cocked up and forget to select json! Argh!

  • 🔗 Coalition needs a miracle to win next election

    “He’s an ex-marketing guy and he wasn’t good at that either,” Prof van Onselen said.


  • Watching: Black Mirror: Arkangel (S4.E2)

    After nearly losing her daughter, a mother invests in a new technology that allows her to keep track of her.

  • Here’s How Your Apps Reveal Personal Information To Facebook

    The privacy researcher collective App Census estimates that “approximately 30 percent of all apps in Google’s Play store contact Facebook at startup” through the company’s SDK. The research firm Statista estimates that the Google Play store has over 2.6 million apps as of December 2018.

    Clickbait headline aside, that’s a pretty shocking number of apps that connect to Facebook even if you don’t have an account, specially considering some of the apps that do it, i.e. Tinder, Grindr, Pregnancy+.