• Hopefully, a good game…

    Elder Scrolls - Blades, game start screen

  • 🔗 Always Own Your Platform

    Stop giving away your work to people who don’t care about it. Host it yourself. Distribute it via methods you control.

    It’s easier to do than most people think!

  • Back at the cinema, seeing Captain Marvel again, with @travispacker this time. 🦹‍♀️

  • U10 SAP vs Wallsend FC

  • Today I started being able to work from home twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday.

    It’s been an interesting morning, I’ve done most of my weekend chores already, as well as answering all my work emails.

    I’ve been very productive, all potential distractions considered…

  • Rooting around on DreamHost VPS

    So I’m finally making progress towards installing TiddlyWiki on my DreamHost VPS.

    I’ve got shell access to my DreamHost VPS, I am able to install node.js, I can check the version installed, along with listing the other nvm modules that are installed…. And then I try to install install TiddlyWiki and just get slapped around with a bunch of npm errors, basically saying I need to be the root user.

    Unfortunately, DreamHost doesn’t allow root access to the VPS product, I need to upgrade to a Dedicated Server, or move to their DreamCompute product, which are completely unmanaged, hence the allowance for root access.

    Now I need to find a work around, which may involve having DreamHost run the installer for me, assuming they will, or I’ll need to look at relocating my server to Digital Ocean or somewhere similar.

  • Today is the day I work my way through DreamHost’s CLI documentation and join the ranks of those who TiddlyWiki.

    This should be a good workout for my brain, I’ve very rarely used Terminal.app before, and when I have it’s usually been cut n paste scripting.

  • Quite a crappy performance tonight by the Jets, losing 2-3 to the Mariners. ⚽️

  • Curious, does anyone have any experience with Piwigo? I’m thinking of using it to host my own photos, as opposed to Flickr, SmugMug, etc. as I would like to maintain full control of the viewing and sharing of them for privacy reasons.

  • All Aboard the Wiki Train

    Today’s tinker project is to setup TiddlyWiki.

    I’ve decided that a wiki is a good place to locate all those little snippets of information I collect, which currently end up spread between plain text files in Dropbox, some marked up notes in Notes.app, and an assortment of PDFs spread across Dropbox, Files.app, and a myriad of other locations.

    A wiki is a good place to store this sort of information, I can get to it anywhere I have an Internet connection, using the Quine iOS app I can take files offline with me, along with being able create new files offline and sync them later.

    Now for the real challenge;

    • do I use one of my existing domain names or do I buy a new domain?
    • if I use an existing domain, do I go the subdomain route?
    • do I make it public or do I keep it private?

    Decisions, decisions!