• Giving micro.blog a new try, not that I really gave it an old try, but I’m feeling like this might be a better option than just running a WordPress installation… I’m also thinking about maybe integrating micro.blog with my WordPress install, however, I do like to use OwnYourSwarm and OwnYourGram, so maybe I need to think a little more about how all that should integrate together.

  • Seafood pizza and solitaire for lunch

  • Dear Work, I’m staying in Fiji to become a professional drone pilot. Sorry for the short notice.

  • Great day out at Tivua Island. Finally got Travis to come out snorkeling with me, the very first fish we see is a Black Tip Reef Shark swimming straight at us, amazing! It was only a foot long, scared him silly though, he also got to see Clown Fish, Blue Trevally, plenty of Star Fish, and a whole bunch of other fish we couldn’t name 🦈 🐠 🐟

  • Lots of bleached reef out here, however, there’s still plenty of fish to see 🐠 🐟

  • 🌴

  • No sunset today.

  • Current view

  • Not a bad sunset yesterday.