• Love this art by psychedelicthinker

  • End of season stocktake complete! ✅

  • Congratulations Tayton

    A poster I put together for New Lambton FC congratulating one of their players on being selected to join the Newcastle Jets Academy. ⚽️

  • PYLB – New Lambton v Adamstown

    Photos of the New Lambton Eagles 13’s, 14’s, 16’s, and 18’s from their Northern NSW Football Premier Youth League match day.

  • Surviving on Strepsils, LemSip, and water currently. Nose is running like a tap, coughing and spluttering every couple of minutes. Good times! 🤒

  • Pretty much frustrated with everything at the moment. 🤷‍♂️

  • 🎥 Watching: Coded Bias

    When MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini discovers that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, she embarks on a journey to push for the first-ever U.S. legislation against bias in algorithms that impact us all.

    Super interesting doco on the bias that exists in AI. Very good watch.

  • Went fishing today, caught a pike on a Samaki vibe, got it alongside the boat and as I was netting it, it chewed through the braid. No fish, no lure, just me holding a rod in one hand and a net in the other, wondering what just happened…

  • Who would you like to talk to soon?

    My therapist. 🤯

  • If I had your gun in my hand, I’d be dead tonight, I have glorious plans

    The Amity Affliction – Show Me Your God