• 🔗 We’ve Got the Screen Time Debate All Wrong. Let’s Fix It – WIRED

    Public anxiety over the side effects of screen time—the hours we spend staring at our various devices—is the highest it’s been in years. That anxiety has manifested in The form of self-help books, social movements, major media outlets foretelling “the worst mental-health crisis in decades,” and no shortage of guilt.

  • @burk, that’s quite the list!

    @EddieHinkle Here are “a couple..” 😀
    Switch Games
    – Zelda Breath of the Wild
    – Super Mario Odyssey
    – Octopath Traveler
    – Stardew Valley
    – Cat Quest
    – Tricky Towers
    – Pokémon Let’s Go
    – Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
    – Mario Kart
    – Spaltoon 2
    – Super Mario Party
    – Golf Story
    – Rocket League
    – Morphite
    – Overcooked
    – Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
    – Snipper Clipz
    – Sparkle Unleased
    – Celeste

  • Colin O’Brady completed the first solo, unaided Antarctica crossing

    Using solely his own muscle power, O’Brady skied 932 miles pulling a 300-pound sled over 54 frigid days across the coldest, windiest, most remote continent on Earth.

    Damn, that’s impressive! 👏

  • Liked https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HwKFlOu2EVU

    Habanero Hot Sauce recipe, by Aaron Parecki

  • My favorite part of @patrickrhone‘s Reading Plan for 2019 is;

    Reading is reading. Magazines, newspapers, Instapaper, etc. all count towards the goal of reading more.

    This is something I get wrong. The last few years I’ve only counted the number of actual books I’ve read, which totally discounts the value of the various essays, comics, online articles, that I’ve read.

  • Watching: Shaun of the Dead (2004) 📺

    A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.


  • Watching: Paul (2011) 📺

    Two English comic book geeks traveling across the U.S. encounter an alien outside Area 51.


  • Watching: The Night Before (2015) 📺

    On Christmas eve, three lifelong friends spend the night in New York City looking for the Holy Grail of Christmas parties.

  • Alcohol in the Hunter – more than 3000 treatments in a year | Newcastle Herald

    The latest data shows 3306 “treatment periods” were sought for an alcohol problem in the region within a year.

    The alcohol problem was followed by three illegal drugs. The data showed about 2223 “treatment periods” a year for amphetamines, 1739 for cannabis and 477 for heroin. 

    This so-called “treatment period” refers to contact between a client and publicly-funded health service at government and non-government agencies.

    Alcohol is clearly a huge issue here in Australia, and many other countries in the World, and whilst I think there is more and more education needed, I doubt that it will ever be an issue that gets solved as the Government makes so much money from it.

    The other stat I find interesting is the number of people who entered into treatment for Cannabis. I bet that the vast majority of people who entered into a treatment “contract” did so to avoid a conviction being recorded against them as there is little to no evidence that cannabis causes issues anything like alcohol does.

  • Watching: The House with a Clock in Its Walls (2018) 📺

    A young orphan named Lewis Barnavelt aids his magical uncle in locating a clock with the power to bring about the end of the world.