• Quite a nice afternoon weather wise here in Baar, not a whole lot to do other than walk around the town taking photos.

  • Quite a pretty sunrise over Basel this morning. Not sure it’s going to be a great weather day though, those clouds look about ready to rain! #canong7x #BaselSBB #Basel #switzerland

  • Pretty tasty chicken burger, so far the nicest burger I’ve had in Basel.

  • Plane bathroom selfies….how tired do I look!

  • G&T and some cashews, nice way to start a 9+ hour flight. Thanks @cathaypacific

  • One of the perks of travelling so much… #spatime #spa #relaxation

  • Shooting time lapse videos, plenty of time on my hand at the airport.

  • I love starting my overseas trips in the Qantas First Lounge, and I don’t mind skipping breakfast at home in favour of the Eggs Benedict here!

  • Pulled Pork never looks pretty, but damn that was an awesome burger!