• And that’s another year done and dusted, hopefully 2017 will be bigger and better…less stressful would be nice also.
    #2016bestnine #2016

  • Hiking around the mountains in Switzerland never gets old.

    #Switzerland #Mürren #mountains #hiking #explore #experience #iPhone7plus

  • Another day walking around Basel and seeing some sights, much more relaxed than the rest of the time I’ve been here, and just as enjoyable.

    #Basel #Switzerland #urbanexploration #urbanexploring #justaTID #panasoniclumix #gx7

  • You get quite a different perspective of a city when you get out and shoot a photos at night. Basel has some fantastic lights around at the moment, lots of pretty Christmas lights too.

    #Basel #Switzerland #urbanexploring #urbanexploration #nightphotography #justaTID

  • Went for a stroll around Basel today, I really love the old Swiss architecture.

    #Basel #Switzerland #gx7 #panasoniclumix #urbanexploration #urbanexploring

  • Off to explore downtown Basel again today with @stephendavida as my tour guide.

    #Basel #city #Switzerland #tram #transport #urbanexploring #urbanexploration #panasoniclumix #gx7

  • It’s not too cold today, everything is frozen over though. I walked up the platform a little but and nearly slipped onto my ass on the ice!

    #Baar #Switzerland #winter #ice #train #SBB

  • It’s really not that cold here, though everything has been frozen over each morning on my walk to work.

    #Baar #Switzerland #SCHILLER #frozen #winter #businesstravel

  • Dubai Airport is all about shopping, and planes of course, but mostly shopping.

    #dubai #shopping #airport #peoplewatching #travel #businesstraveller

  • Home for the next 7 odd hours, need to try and stay awake for the duration so I can kind of get on the right time zone.

    #emirates #a380 #dxb #zrh #businesstraveller #repslife #switzerland #dubai #sotired