• I used to be such a crappy sleeper, always waking up in the middle of the night, never being able to get back to sleep, averaging between 5-6 hours a night, now look at me.

    I basically avoid alcohol as much as possible, i.e. I don’t drink to relax after work any more (which sounds quite toxic to write), and when we’re away on holidays or at a social thing, I try to limit the amount I drink, along with not drinking after 4-5pm where possible.

    Obviously, there are times when this is not possible and I end up having a couple of beers or wines, I just have to know that I will sleep like crap on these nights, and that’s OK.

  • For the QS types out there, what’s the simplest food tracking app to use on iOS? It must integrate with Apple Health and / or Exist.io?

  • First Impressions of the new OURA Ring

    Oooh, new OURA ring just arrived, finally. I pre-ordered it back in December, quite surprised it took this long for it to arrive.

    First impressions, packaging is very nicely done, quite “Apple” like, and 100% recyclable, bonus points for that. The new charger should be easier to use than the old one, plus it’s USB C, and last but not least, the new ring looks nicer than the last version with the big lump on it.

    More thoughts after I charge it and wear it for a few days.

  • Just pushed the new Gmail interface out to our company, wonder how long it will take for anyone to notice the change? 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Every week, Grammarly sends me an email telling me it’s the very last time to get this special price…it bugs the shit out of me. If it’s such a special offer and only lasts a week, why tell me about it every week for months on end, clearly there’s no time pressure here.

  • Watched: Cloak & Dagger: First Light (S1.E1)

    Two teenagers from different backgrounds awaken to discover they have acquired superpowers and have become mysteriously linked.

  • Listening: Back to Work: Deploy the Dongle

  • Has anyone else setup the “mirror to Github” feature on Micro.blog? Interested to know if you’ve got it to work, because so far it’s not been working for me.

  • Migrating to Micro.blog

    I’ve finally made the decision to archive my old matpacker.com blog and re-direct the domain name to my Micro.blog account. I’ve setup the Github mirroring, so I’ve always got that as a backup.

    I may run a local install of WordPress on my laptop so that I can edit up the old posts, re-attach photos, etc. and then maybe import that to Micro.blog, however, that’s a long term project I can worry about later. I think the biggest issue will be fixing old blog posts where I had the photos hosted elsewhere, i.e. flickr, S3, etc. Pretty sure I still have all the images, but it’d be nice to consolidate them to a single location.

    Ugh, I’m also supposed to be working while I’m doing this…

  • DNS propagation is such a random thing. I’ve had times where it took maybe 5 minutes for the new settings to resolve, other times I’ve waited more than 6 hours.