Morning scoot with the kid.

My A-League tips for this weekend’s round…hopefully a better result than last weekends 1/5 🤯

Another quick edit from the photos I took this morning at the skate park. FYI, this kid is only 7! 😲
Decided to take the camera out this morning when we went to the skate park…been a long time since I’ve shot anything like this, will have to do it more often!

Wasn’t @KevinHart4real in a car crash recently, I don’t imagine having AD land on you would’ve been great. Ouch!
— Mathew Packer (@mat_packer) December 26, 2019
World Record Foam Experiment
— Physics & Astronomy Zone🔭 (@ZonePhysics) December 20, 2019
🏀 Dang, Golden State’s defence was just ridiculously good tonight, Rockets just couldn’t get open shots in the 2nd half.
🎮 Time to start a new game, Legend of Zelda, Link’s Awakening looks like a good combination of challenging fun!
🔗 NetNewsWire 5 for iOS Public TestFlight
You can go sign up on our testing page for the TestFlight beta for NetNewsWire 5 for iPhone and iPad.
Joined and downloaded! Now that NNW has Feedly syncing on iOS, it’ll likely replace Feedly’s own app for my daily reading.
I wonder if Bad Boys for Life might’ve been an IOU from Wil Smith to Martin Lawrence…or at least a “called in” favour 🤔
Damn, wish I woke up early enough to include Philly in this!

🎮 Finally finished Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a fantastic day celebrating with those dearest to you! 🎄
🔗 Why Apple’s iPad is my personal gadget of the decade
A PC is a personal computer, and a personal computer is any digital device you use to create, collaborate, and communicate. I find that I can perform all three tasks most efficiently on my iPad.
— rstevens 🐳💨 (@rstevens) December 23, 2019
Wallsend Skate Park. Scoot/Skate with the Boulton’s

Aside from the horrible message in this crappy graffiti, the lack of correct grammar is just the worst.

New Lambton Skate Park. Taken the kid for a skate…

🤔 RSS users, do you sort your feed types into folders, maybe by subject matter or similar?
I mean
— Eric Meyer, CSS Nerd (@meyerweb) December 22, 2019