Tim Rogers at The Cambo

🀘 Parkway Drive at The Cambridge Hotel

Always an awesome band to see live, here are my photos of Parkway Drive playing at the Cambridge Hotel on 30th September, 2005.

You can see more of my gig galleries here, enjoy!

Gyroscope at The Cambo

Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope Gyroscope

Photo Archive

Like everyone else, I’ve got a bit of extra time on my hands at the moment due to the COVID-19 situation here in Australia. So to try and use this extra time somewhat productively I’ve decided I’m going to organise, re-edit, and post, all the band photos I used to shoot in the mid-2000’s when I was the house photographer at The Cambo...stay tuned 🀟🏼

After shooting 12 games of football on the weekend, approximately 3,500 photos, I am out of my feet today... πŸ˜‘

At about 2:30am this morning my HomePod started playing Friendly Ghost. The whole family was fast asleep, and I can’t recall the last time I listened to The Eels.

Is my house haunted? Should I be afraid? πŸ‘»

πŸ”— Would You Spend $8,000 on a Compact Camera That Only Shoots Black and White? Leica Announces the M10 Monochrom | Fstoppers

Definitely! It looks like an amazing bit of kit, and the challenge of only being able to capture in black and white would make most photographers so much better at seeing their subject. I just wish it came with some form of guarantee against divorce…my wife would definitely divorce me if I bought this! 😒

Drone captures chilling moment Great White shark stalks swimmers at NSW beach

I love that there are sharks in the waters, it’s a good sign of an eco system beginning to recover…but the video that Sunrise put together for the story is disgusting!

I don’t understand why the media needs to constantly demonise these animals! Why the flashing red, why call it a scene β€œstraight from a horror movie”, why the menacing tone? There’s no way those swimmers are in danger from the shark, it’s not β€œstalking” them, it’s trying to find fish amongst the breakers. If it wanted to eat the people, this video would not be safe to view!

The media just needs to stop the over dramatisation of these events. Embrace that our waters are starting to recover from over fishing, embrace the environmental aspect of this, and for crying out loud, let’s try to educate people!

New Lambton vs Newcastle Olympic

Here's a bunch of the photos I took for New Lambton FC at their preseason friendly versus Newcastle Olympic at Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility. ⚽️

πŸ“Ί Watching: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

The early years of James Logan, featuring his rivalry with his brother Victor Creed, his service in the special forces team Weapon X, and his experimentation into the metal-lined mutant Wolverine.

A quick edit from last nights pre-season friendly between New Lambton and Newcastle Olympic. ⚽️

Lake Macquarie Regional Football Facility.

πŸ”— How to setup a behind the goal remote camera for football or soccer

A look at my remote camera for Premier League 2 - @robsamblessport

It’s quite humid here now, and I hate it, however, it’s a good sign as it means there is rainy weather on its way! Hopefully it falls where it’s more needed (over the fire grounds), but also here too! β›ˆ

πŸ”— Twitter loses it over Forester Ultimate Customised Kit Special edition acronym

Damn, looks like the Australian market will get zero F.UC.K.S 😁

πŸ“Ί Watching: Chef’s Table: Dario Cecchini (S6.E2)

Aspiring veterinarian Dario Ceccini returns to save his family's butchery business and becomes the world's most famous butcher.

πŸ“Ί Watching: Rick and Morty: Rattlestar Ricklactica (S4.E5)

Morty discovers a race of intelligent "Space Snakes", after suffering a potentially lethal bite. Jerry attempts to prove that he isn't completely incompetent.

πŸ“Ί Watching: Rick and Morty: Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty (S4.E4)

Special Ricktims Morty Morty gets a dragon in this one broh. It's a wild ride broh.

Love this billboard for the upcoming Dracula remake, specially after dark! πŸ§›

via Colossal