Category: Health

  • So I got my 4th COVID jab and a flu shot earlier this week, and for the last 3 days I felt like I had COVID again! Just have a light cough left now, but I completely forgot how much those jabs could knock you around. 💉😷

  • Got another COVID booster shot yesterday, along with my annual flu shot, one in each arm. Flu shot arm is perfectly fine this morning, the COVID side not so much… 💉

  • I got my booster 2 days ago. Yesterday I felt like crap, achy bones, headache, and generally felt meh. Today I’m still a bit achy and have a slight headache, nothing a couple of Panadol can’t keep at bay though. 💉

  • Fridays are for migraines 🤯Back to bed, see you tomorrow.

  • FYI the flu still exists.. 😷

  • 🤧 Getting a cold in the summer is just the worst!

  • Being accountable on the hotel treadmill.

  • Common Auricular Points

  • 1 of about 17 needles currently embedded in my body.

  • Chinese herbal medicine time.

  • Beetroot, Orange, Carrot, & Celery juice!